Days with Albert Schweitzer

Medizin- und Pharmazie / Medizingeschichte / Mitarbeiter Schweitzers

Franck, Frederick
A Lambaréné Landscape

Signatur: M001-B681-D001-B025
Buchart: Hardcover
Verlag: Peter Davies, London (Großbritannien)
Veröffentlichung: 2024
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 178
Größe (HxBXT): 21,7 x 14,5 cm x 2,5 cm
Days with Albert Schweitzer
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1. Prologue; 2. Much nonsense and some sense; 3. The road to Lambaréné; 4. A walk through the hospital; 5. The leper village; 6. The tooth-doctor-who-draws; 7. The Lambaréné landscape; 8. People in the landscape; 9. Animals in the landscape; 10. Human imprints; 11. Entrances and exits; 12. Schweitzer without Halo; 13. Au revoir, Lambaréné; 14. Afterword: Lambaréné revisted

Bericht des amerikanischen Zahnarztes über seinen 3-jährigen Lambaréné-Aufenthalt

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"Dr Frank is a top-class dentist: Dutch born, successful practise in West End of London and latterly in Manhatten New York; and - as readers of Open Wide, Please will know, an artist of considerable merit and outstanding wit. In the spring of 1958, under the auspices of MEDICO, the opportunity came to him to go to Dr Albert Schweitzer's famous "Hospital" at Lambaréné, in West Africa, and to set up there a greatly needed dental clinic. [...]"