Albert Schweitzer

Geisteswissenschaften / Philosophie / Ethik

Schweitzer, Albert
Pilgrimage to Humanity
Translated by Walter E. Stuermann, University of Tulsa

Signatur: M001-B130-D001-B003
Autor: Schweitzer, Albert
Buchart: Paperback
Verlag: Philosophical Library, Inc., New York (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Veröffentlichung: 1961
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 107
Größe (HxBXT): 21,5 x 13,9 cm x 1,0 cm
ISBN 10: 8022-2437-7
Albert Schweitzer
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1. Europe and Human Culture; 2. African Problems; 3. The Story of My Life (a. Development; b. Lambaréné; c. In the Second World War; d. In the Unrest of the Time); 4. Goethe; 5. Johann Sebastian Bach; 6. The Unknown One; 7. Reverence for Life; 8. World Peace

A Philosophical Paperback, Werke über das Denken Albert Schweitzers

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"He began as an acclaimed musician, the toast of Europe. He ended as a medical pioneer among the peoples of Africa, a modern philosopher - and to many even a saint. Pilgrimage to Humanity is a collection of his thoughts -Albert Schweitzer's ideas on humanity and culture. Wheter it is the music of Johann Sebastian Bach or the ethical ideas and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, the works and cintributions of Goethe or the ideals of world peace, these essays reveal Albert Schweitzer's uncanny insights into the problems of the world of his day and the solutions to those problems.. [...]"