Human Ancestors

Geisteswissenschaften / Paläoanthropologie / Origins of Man

Leakey, Richard E.
With an introduction by Glynn Isaac and Richard E. F. Leakey

Signatur: A600-B120-D001-A007
Autor: Leakey, Richard E.;
Buchart: Paperback
Verlag: W.H.Freeman and Company, San Francisko (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Veröffentlichung: 1979
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 130
Format: Lex. 8°
Größe (HxBXT): 28,5 x 20,9 cm x 0,7 cm
ISBN 10: 0-7167-1100-1
Human Ancestors
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0. Introduction; 1. Tools and Human Evolution; 2. The Early Relatives of Man; 3. Ramapithecus; 4. The Evolution of the Hand; 5. The Antiquity of Human Walking; 6. The Hominids of East Turkana; 7. The Casts of Fossil Hominid Brains; 8. Homo Erectus; 9. Stone Tools and Human Behavior; 10. The Functions of Paleolithix Flint Tools; 11. The Food-Sharing Behavior of Protohuman Hominids

1. Bibliographies; 2. Index

Umfangreiche anthropologische Darstellung by Scientific American

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"What kind of beeings are we humans? An age-old question to which, until comparatively recently, different answers were offered by different peoples all over the world. However, all of these answers possessed strong components of myth and mysticism. Most cultures on all continents wove poetic stories of creation into the fabric of their understanding of the nature of human nature. [...]"