
Geisteswissenschaften / Paläoanthropologie / Origins of Man

Leakey, Richard E.
What New Discoveries Reveal About the Emergence of Our Species and ist Possible Future

Signatur: A600-B120-D001-A003
Autor: Leakey, Richard E.;
Buchart: Hardcover
Verlag: Macdonald and Jane's, London (Großbritannien)
Veröffentlichung: 1977
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 264
Format: gr. 8°
Größe (HxBXT): 24,9 x 21,0 cm x 2,3 cm
ISBN 10: 0-354-04162-2
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1. Humanity in Perspective; 2. The Greatest Revolution; 3. The Roots of Humanity; 4. Hominid Beginnings; 5. The Cradle of Mankind; 6. From Africa to Agriculture; 7. The First Mixed Economy; 8. Intelligence, Language, and the Humand Mind; 9. Agression, Sex, and Human Nature; 10. Mankind in Prospective

1. For Further Reading; 2. Acknowledgments; 3. Index

Rich illustrated book about the origin of humand kind

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"Richard Leakey has, like his famous mother and father, astounded the world with his discoveries about man's most ancient near relations; Roger Lewin is the science editor of the New Scientist. They have collaborated in Origins to produce a book which is not only handsomely illustrated and fascinating to read, but also filled with controversial ideas and fresh insights. [...]"