Erich Honecker

Politik, Gesellschaft, Adel / Deutsche Politik (DDR) / Erich Honecker

Momentaufnahme 1984

Signatur: P400-P503-D001-A007
Provenienz: Sällskapet Amicitia et Agricultura (A&A), Uppsala (Schweden) (1984)
Farbe: s/w
Anzahl: 1
Typ: Silbergelatineabzug
Größe [HxBxT]: 16,50 x 12,00 x 0,10 cm
Erich Honecker
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Das Bild zeigt eine Momentaufnahme von Erich Honecker.

Beschriftung Rückseite:
"East German Politicians: ERICH HONECKER, OPS Erich Honecker, East Germany´s Head of State since 1976. Born August 1912; he was imprisoned for anti-Fascist activity 1935-45; a life long Communist party member, he quickly rose the ranks, becoming the Chairman of the Council of State in 1976. A recent thaw in relations between East and West Germany which shaould have culminated in the first visit to West Germany was called off because of Soviet objections."