
Geographie, Reisen, Länder / Afrika / Missionare

Signatur: M090-P800-D001-A005
Farbe: s/w
Anzahl: 1
Typ: Silbergelatineabzug
Sprache: Deutsch
Studio: (Belgisch-Kongo)
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Beschriftung Rückseite:
This picture is for the boys. When our river boat stopped to let off a couple passengers at New Anvers on Congo river. Native and white settlers came to see friends among the passengers. (Natives bring food & sell) and these two birds seen in the picture came stalking down the path like they were part of the "show". They were "so funny" - and seemed so unafraid - an d acted like they were quite interested in the arrival of the boat - and as it were quite as big an event to them as to the people - they are Marabon.