The Teaching of Reverence for Life

Geisteswissenschaften / Philosophie / Ethik

Schweitzer, Albert
Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston

Signatur: M001-B130-D001-B004
Autor: Schweitzer, Albert
Buchart: Hardcover
Verlag: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Veröffentlichung: 1965
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 64
Größe (HxBXT): 21,0 x 14,3 cm x 1,0 cm
The Teaching of Reverence for Life
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1. The Problem of Ethics in the Advancement of Human Consciousness; 2. Ethical Culture; 3. Man and Man; 4. Man and Creature; 5. Peace or Atomic War; 6. An End to Atomic Weapons

Werk Schweitzers über die Ehrfurcht der Ethik vor dem Leben / Atomwaffen / Frieden

Textpassagen (Auszüge):
"What do we mean when we speak of ethics, in a world borrowed from the Greek, and morality, in a word from the Latin? We mean right human conduct. The assumption is that we should be concerned not only with our own welfare but also with that of others, and with that of human society as a whole. [...]"